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At a certain level of proficiency, it is necessary for dancers to participate in summer intensives at ballet schools across the country. For those who choose to apply, VFOD offers financial assistance to these costly summer intensives. We support the young people who have recognized their passion for dance and that this athletic and magnificent art form takes training, which can often be costly.


We provide master classes, with a variety of exceptional guest teachers visiting our studio to teach the company dancers.  Every-other year, company dancers have the opportunity to travel to New York City for several days of classes, lectures, shows and to explore the city. The NY trip is paid for directly by each dancer, through fundraisers throughout the year. 

For students who attend Vail Valley Academy of Dance, Vail Friends of Dance offers financial assistance for use in paying for classes for the school year (September-May). There is a formal application process that begins the first week of classes. All candidates must provide financial records as well as letters of recommendation, and letters written by the dancer and a parent.


Vail Friends of Dance ensures that dance education will be an essential presence in the community and supports those individuals
involved in dance.


P.O. Box 212 
Vail, CO 81658


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